What Does An Antibody Test Tell About Your Immunity Towards COVID-19?

There are two different main types of tests for COVID-19. There’s an antibody test, which tests your antibody levels to help determine your level of immunity towards…

14 Easy And Tasty Ways To Eat Spinach

Spinach is a superfood because of its many health benefits, so figuring out ways to eat spinach that tastes good to you is important. This way, you’ll…

Can Type A And Type B Personalities Date Each Other?

Type A and Type B personalities are two of the most commonly recognized personality types in psychology. These personality types are often presented as polar opposites. This…

Type A VS Type B Personality Types

Getting to know yourself better should certainly include figuring out if you’re a Type A or Type B personality type. While everyone’s personality is unique, many of…

Difference Between Antigen Test, RT-PCR Test And Healthpod Technology (RT-Lamp) For COVID Testing

In the wake of widespread coronavirus and travel restrictions, rapid Covid tests have become a necessity. Antigen tests and RT-PCR tests have become necessary almost worldwide, especially…

How To Count Calories The Healthy Way

The act of counting calories often has negative connotations, but you can learn how to count calories the healthy and proper way. Many people associate the practice…

Health Issues That Can Increase Risk Of Heart Problems

It goes without saying how vital a healthy heart is when it comes to your overall health, and how important it is to do whatever you can…

Various Types Of Disordered Eating Behaviors

Disordered eating behaviors are much more common than eating disorders. Although disordered eating behaviors are typically less severe than an eating disorder, they’re still very unhealthy. In…

The Three Phases Of The Menstrual Cycle: An Overview

Your monthly period is more than just a monthly inconvenience. The phases of the menstrual cycle are a hormonal process that the female body goes through every…

Which Health Problems Are Linked To Food Sensitivities?

Certain health problems such as inflammation, bloating, skin rashes, IBS and asthma could potentially be caused by food sensitivities. By eating foods you’re sensitive to, these types…

15 Healthy Habits To Adopt In 2022

Are you determined to be physically, mentally and emotionally healthier this year? Adopting certain healthy habits can help you achieve this goal of optimal health. As cliche…

What Is Inflammation And How Can You Reduce it?

Inflammation is a tricky subject because it can be both good and bad for you, depending on the scenario. Inflammation is something that happens to all humans,…