10 Health Benefits Of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine, and there are many different health benefits of acupuncture. This unique healing practice is one of the pillars of Traditional…

7 Benefits of Chinese Tuina Massage
Have you seen tuina or tui-na massage listed on the menu of services at a local spa? The Chinese tuina massage is a form of therapeutic massage…
What Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Say About Qi?
You may have heard about qi (pronounced “chee”) which is a fundamental component in Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM for short). Qi is all manifestations of energy….

What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient form of medicine originating from China, and it recognizes the interconnected relationship of the body, mind, spirit, and nature. Traditional Chinese…

Demystifying ‘YEET HAY’ (熱氣): A Chinese Medical Term Few Truly Understand
Table of Contents 1. What Does ‘Yeet Hay’ Mean?2. Yin and Yang3. What Causes One to be ‘Yeet Hay’?4. What Food Is ‘Yeet Hay’?5. Food Pairing6. Can…