What Does a Food Coma Feel Like and Why Does it Happen?
What is a food coma, what does it feel like, and how exactly do you overcome the feeling? If you always find yourself feeling extra sleepy after…
Validation of IgG Levels Test Using Capillary Blood
Introduction In some individuals, the consumption of certain foods can trigger symptoms such as rashes, joint pain, brain fog, abdominal pain and fatigue that are not due…

What Is An IgG Food Sensitivity?
Eating foods you’re sensitive to can cause you great discomfort. It’s important to understand the difference between an IgG food sensitivity and an IgE food allergy, because…

Can A Food Sensitivity Test Help Manage IBS?
If you’re looking for ways to cope with and manage IBS symptoms, you could benefit from taking a food sensitivity test. IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, currently…