Premium DNA Test
Every parent hopes to nurture their child to success – but knowing how is another matter. Discover your child’s hidden genetic talents and help them achieve their highest potential.
Detailed, personalised reports that help you determine:
- Your child’s predisposition to academic achievement, entrepreneurship, mathematic talent, and more
Plus, 500+ more reports including
- Ancestry breakdown
- Their optimal diet & sports routines
- Their risk level of inherited cancers & disease
- Prescription drugs response
Convenient at-home saliva collection with free pick-up
Complimentary 30-minute genetic consultation included
Save with bundles
Free 2-Way Shipping
99.9% Analytical Accuracy
Encrypted Secure Data
1-1 Genetic Consultation
Recent studies have shown that60%*of a child's academic achievement can be attributed to their genetics.*Source: Kovas, Y., Voronin, I., Kaydalov, A., Malykh, S. B., Dale, P. S., & Plomin, R. (2013). Literacy and Numeracy Are More Heritable Than Intelligence in Primary School.
Your child’s success potential is waiting to be discovered
Identify which areas your child possesses natural talents and in which areas they could benefit from further support.
Success Traits

Learn whether your child is gifted in a variety of fields associated with increased success.Music & Dance

Discover hidden talents in music & dance and what you can do to improve.SkinLearn what skin problems you may be predisposed to and how to prevent them.
AncestryGet a detailed breakdown of your ancestral roots.
Success TraitsA summary of the traits that form the basis of who you are.
Diet & FitnessFind out which diet types and fitness routines are best suited to you.
Genetic Carrier ScreeningLearn your carrier status for 160+ serious heritable conditions.
Drug ResponseUncover a breakdown of your body's response to drugs and medication.
Don’t just take our word for it,see what our customers have to say

Mina, mum of 5-year-old T*“Helped me support my child better in mathematics”I learned from CircleDNA that my son is “Gifted” in maths, so I signed him up for extra lessons to also support his growing interest. He’s improved dramatically and is so impressed & happy with his own learning!

Andrew, father of 8-year-old S*“Never knew my daughter was a secret musician!”My wife and I aren’t very musical ourselves, so when we saw our daughter was “Gifted” in music, we signed her up for lessons immediately. She’s taken to it like a duck to water and loves her new hobby!
What sets CircleDNA apart?
What sets CircleDNA apart?

Simple and Convenient Saliva Collection

Validated 99.9% Analytical Accuracy

Complimentary 1-on-1 Consultation

4 simple steps to kickstart your CircleDNA journey

Order your kit today

Collect your sample at home with our easy-to-use saliva swab and return to our accredited labs

Receive your report via the Circle app within 18 business days

Book your 1-on-1 consultation with our health professional