Get to know the inner architect behind your build
Discover the genetic blueprint behind your most prominent physical qualities.

Your unique physical profileGreying heat, sweat tendency, pain sensitivity - discover telling physical details influenced by your DNA.

Fun physical facts about youDigest your results with in-depth explanations for your traits and how they relate to your family and the general population.

12Physical Traits
Facial & Body Hair
Body Odour
Ear Protrusion
Earwax Type
Eye Colour
Hair Colour
Pain Sensitivity
Photic Sneeze Reflex
Smell Sensitivity
Persistent Thinness
Sweat Tendency

Waist Circumference
There’s more to your waistline than just a jean size or diet.

Ready to learn more about the World’s Most Comprehensive DNA Test?

Our Best-Selling DNA TestCircleDNA Premium
Get 500+ reports that help you understand:
- Your risk level of inherited cancers & disease
- Insights about your optimal diet, fitness, and wellness
- Carrier conditions that may affect your future family
- Prescription drugs response
- Ancestry breakdown
Convenient at-home saliva collection with free pick-up
Complimentary 30-minute genetic consultation included

Don’t just take our word for it, see what our Circle Changemakers have to say