Can Type A And Type B Personalities Date Each Other?

Type A and Type B personalities are two of the most commonly recognized personality types in psychology. These personality types are often presented as polar opposites. This is because the Type A individuals are typically decisive, focused, organized, structured and meticulous while Type Bs tend to be more laidback, even-tempered, spontaneous and free-flowing.

It’s easy to assume their contrasting personalities would make a relationship between a Type A and Type B impossible. However, the reality is that sometimes, opposites attract and balance each other out. There can be many benefits of a Type A dating a Type B instead of a Type A dating another Type A.


Benefits of Combining Type A and Type B Personalities in a Relationship

Type A individuals are typically quite organized, capable of planning or structuring, and good at making decisions on behalf of themselves and their partner. While someone “taking charge” might seem frustrating to another Type A, a Type B’s laidback nature means they’re often happy to go with the flow and let their partner decide things. In fact, it might even be a relief to they Type B to not have to make the decisions.

Furthermore, the more relaxed attitude of a Type B partner can help to reign in some of a Type A’s more obsessive personality traits. For instance, a Type B individual can let their Type A partner know they’re expecting too much of themselves or pushing themselves too hard.

Other benefits of combining the personalities in a relationship include:

  • Conflict resolution: A competitive attitude can mean Type A personalities struggle with resolving conflicts. Type B’s are more likely to find a middle ground and develop ways to compromise, so everyone wins. (When two Type As argue with each other, it’s more likely to escalate.)
  • Motivation: Type A personalities can encourage Type B individuals to accomplish their goals and help them plan strategies for success. This makes it more likely the Type B partner will seize opportunities and accomplish important goals.
  • Flexibility: Type A personalities often need a lot of focus time, and time to themselves. A Type B partner is happy to give their partner whatever they need and can be flexible to suit someone else’s schedule.

Challenges of a Type A Personality Dating a Type B

The above benefits of combining personality types don’t mean there aren’t challenges to a relationship between people with opposing personality types. There’s a risk a Type A personality could end up walking all over a Type B partner because the Type B individual doesn’t know how to ask for what they want or be direct about their needs, and insead accepts what’s given. This can lead to resentment over time and may end up making both partners unhappy.

Similarly, a Type A personality can end up getting frustrated or stressed by a Type B’s laidback or more disorganized approach to life. Type A’s often need everything in their world to be “just so.” If a Type B doesn’t care enough to plan anything, doesn’t follow direction well or doesn’t get things done according to the Type A’s expectations, this can lead to problems in the relationship. Often, this depends on just how “Type A” a Type A individual is. Some Type A individuals might have zero patience for the carefree and unfocused attitude of their Type B partner, while other Type As may find their partner’s carefree qualities inspiring or endearing.

It’s possible the Type A personality type may become tired of doing all the organizing all the time, if the Type B they’re dating is particularly disorganized. This will vary, since every Type B is different.


What Happens When Two of the Same Personality Types Date Each Other?

So, what happens if you bring two of the same personalities together? For example, a Type B dating another Type B or two Type As getting together?

Once again, there are pros and cons to this combination.

Two type B personalities dating will often enjoy a stress-free and relaxed relationship. Neither will push the other too hard or become unhappy when high expectations aren’t met. Because both partners are flexible and easygoing, they can easily be forgiving when things don’t get accomplished quite right.

Unfortunately, two Type B personalities in a relationship can also be problematic. If no one takes charge and makes decisions, both can end up floating along getting nothing done. Procrastination can become a real problem, which means important tasks are left uncompleted. Eventually, the people in this relationship may start to feel they’re getting nowhere.

Two Type A personalities create the ultimate power couple. If both individuals are highly driven and ambitious, they can accomplish a lot together. One Type A doesn’t have to worry about the other understanding their specific needs, and there’s no frustration due to procrastination.

However, combining two Type A personalities can also lead to a lot of fighting or pushback. Just because you’re both highly driven doesn’t mean you’ll agree on the things you consider to be important. You may end up arguing about everything from what to have for dinner to what color to paint the bedroom walls. Because both personalities are dominant, you can end up with a constant power struggle.

How to Discover Your Personality Type

Defining personality type isn’t an exact science. While most people do fall into one category more than others, your personality may be a culmination of different “types.” For instance, you may have the ambitious drive and perfectionism of a Type A person in your career but be more driven by romance and have a laid-back nature in your personal life.

One of the easiest ways to determine your personality type is with an online quiz. These quizzes use specific questions to determine what thought processes drive your behavior. Most quizzes will look beyond type A and type B, to give you insights into type C, D, and even Type X.

Remember, our personalities are complex and multifaceted things.

Notably, there’s no “bad” personality type to be associated with. Not all type “As” will step on their co-workers to climb the career ladder or annoy their partners with their perfectionism. Not all Type “B’s” are laid back to the point of being lazy.

How would you define your personality type?

If you’re not entirely sure, and you want more insight into your personality traits that may be written into your DNA, read your personality and behavior reports from CircleDNA.

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