Exercises For Improving Joint Health

Your joints are an integral part of your musculoskeletal system that you must keep strong and healthy for the sake of being a healthy and able-bodied person….

11 Ways To Get To Know Yourself Better

If you take initiative to get to know yourself on a deeper level, it can help you build a strong and healthy sense of self. When you…

Heatstroke: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

As we head into the peak of summer, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of heatstroke, and understand how to prevent this illness…

7 Benefits of Chinese Tuina Massage

Have you seen tuina or tui-na massage listed on the menu of services at a local spa? The Chinese tuina massage is a form of therapeutic massage…

What To Do When People Push Your Boundaries

When you set boundaries with others, you are communicating what you are and are not comfortable with. Everybody has their limits. Setting healthy boundaries with others helps…

Beach Day Essentials: What To Pack For A Day At The Beach

When you’re planning a beach day, you can’t just haphazardly throw some sunscreen and a towel into a beach bag, and run out the door. There are…

Summer Picnic Essentials

You can host a summer picnic anywhere from your local park, lake, or beach, to your backyard or rooftop garden. All you need is the perfect shareable…

Best Types Of Therapy For Anxiety

Certain types of therapy are known for being better than others when it comes to treating anxiety. The best types of therapy for anxiety are important to…

Your Guide To Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries are important for your mental health, your self-worth, the integrity of your relationships and your general comfort in life. Unfortunately, many of us don’t…

Best Types Of Milk To Drink, Each With Unique Health Benefits

If you’re wondering what the healthiest or best types of milk to drink are, it’s probably because of the sheer volume available when it comes to the…

What Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Say About Qi?

You may have heard about qi (pronounced “chee”) which is a fundamental component in Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM for short). Qi is all manifestations of energy….

Anxiety: An Overview of Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Dealing with anxiety is not an easy battle, especially if it’s chronic anxiety, or an anxiety disorder such as PTSD or generalized anxiety disorder. When you struggle…