Chinese New Year is one of the biggest festivals in Chinese culture. From lion dances, bright red decorations to feasts fit for a king, the two-week-long celebration is packed with tradition and culture. However, due to travel restrictions and pandemic anxiety stemming from the recent outbreaks, Chinese New Year may have looked a little different this year. However, that did not stop us from celebrating the holiday by gifting our family and friends with the biggest blessing of all: the gift of health. With a CircleDNA test, your loved ones can understand their health risks and make healthy lifestyle changes to prevent them, and improve their quality of life. Besides that, reports such as which diet or workouts are best for them can help them achieve their fitness goals starting now.. This little gift can go a long way. Give your loved ones a huge boost in the Year of the Tiger.
Welcome the Year of the Tiger with CircleDNA
How much do you think about your body’s needs? To welcome the new year, Stella shares with her Instagram followers that she is all about prioritizing her health. She shares that a simple swab from CircleDNA can unlock up to 500 genetic reports across various categories. She is excited to use these insights to start her fitness journey because she now knows exactly what her body needs to smash her fitness goals.
Enter the Year of the Tiger With a New Version of You
Sending fruit hampers is an auspicious tradition during Chinese New Year as fruit is symbolic in Chinese culture. However, instead of sending traditional hampers this year, Rachel Wan suggests her followers to switch things up and send their close ones a CircleDNA test as there is no better blessing than to wish for the health of a loved one. A quick test can unlock in-depth test reports across 20 categories, and give your loved ones an auspicious start to the Year of the Tiger.
Start the New Year Right
The pandemic has brought a lot of chaos into our lives, but it also shows us the importance of health. Manda is aware of the negative implications of leading an unhealthy lifestyle and she wants to make changes to her lifestyle this year. As a result, one of Manda‘s New Year’s resolutions is to be more proactive and take charge of her own health. She can’t wait to get her test reports back to analyze them and make healthier improvements to her lifestyle.
CircleDNA is the New Care Package
According to Chinese tradition, gifting loved ones with fruit such as peaches or oranges is considered good luck. This Chinese New Year, Daniel suggests his followers to give their loved ones the perfect gift – the gift of health. To those who are experiencing pandemic anxiety, this gift can help you and your family understand what diseases you are more prone to getting and how to make lifestyle changes that can lower the risks of getting ill.
Unleash Your Inner Tiger
Travel restrictions from the pandemic mean you may not be able to visit your friends and loved ones this year. Jeon Ding shares with his followers how to be creative and send a CircleDNA test to loved ones to show them that you’re still thinking about them. A CircleDNA test makes for a special gift during the Year of the Tiger as its infectious energy can motivate you to make healthy lifestyle changes and give you the resilience to see them through.
Satisfy Your Curiosity
Jung Wonjin is an avid gym-goer with a passion for fitness and nutrition. With all the trendy workouts and diets popping up, finding the right workout can be like finding a needle in a haystack. He has always been curious about finding the best diet and workouts to make progress. CircleDNA reports can help him figure out the best workout and diet specifically for him. As a result, he is excited that a quick CircleDNA swab will answer all the questions about himself and give him suggestions on how to tailor his workouts and diet based on his genetics.
A Unique Gift For Your Loved Ones
Lynn Tan decided to gift the love of her life a CircleDNA test this Chinese New Year. As we get older, we are more prone to falling ill. Lynn’s husband realized his age is catching up with him because he gets acid reflux more frequently now. A simple saliva swab can give him up to 500 in-depth reports from diseases, brain health, to food sensitivities and stress risks. She hopes that the CircleDNA test can help her “Tiger man” understand himself better and make healthy lifestyle changes just like it helped her and her mother.
Realize the Importance of Health in the Year of the Tiger
Yunico Chan shares that the continuous outbreaks of Covid-19 and its multiple mutant strains has made her realize the importance of health. She is an avid believer that the only way to take control of health is to understand health risks. CircleDNA’s 115 reports covering cancer and disease risks are valuable insights on what she should pay attention to. Like the tiger, be vigilant about prioritizing your health!