The moon is one of the most interesting and mysterious forces in our lives, and how the moon affects us is a popular conversation. For starters, the moon has power over how our planet Earth functions by controlling the tides, and the Moon makes Earth a more livable planet by moderating Earth’s wobble on its axis, which helps stabilize our climate.
The gravitational pull of the moon can not only control tides, but we now understand how the moon affects us by lengthening our days. By slowing the earth’s spin, the moon has actually lengthened days to the 24 hours we now know because of the gravitational pull on our oceans.
There are also common beliefs about the power and influence of the moon that reach beyond these scientific truths. How the moon affects us individually might be different, since some people swear the moon’s presence centers them and grounds them, others say it improves their mood, and more.
While modern medicine has discredited many theories about the moon and its influence on our lives, there are still many experts that believe the power of the moon should not be entirely dismissed. In the end, our personal beliefs are our own, and this guide is here to take you through some of the most common and interesting beliefs about the moon, and how the moon affects us.
1. The Full Moon Can Make You Self-Reflect or Become Aware of Emotions
The full moon is so big and bright that it can disrupt your sleep, keeping you awake and thinking. Similarly, noticing a big, beautiful full moon outside can cause you to take notice, take in its awe, and start thinking more deeply.
The full moon is illuminating and has a strong energy and pull, which could illuminate some of the feelings and emotions you’ve been suppressing. This could explain why so many people think that the full moon makes us ‘weird’. However, don’t underestimate the power and energy of the full moon. Spending some time outside looking at it could lead to some breakthroughs or epiphanies as you tap into your emotions.
Full moons can be a great time for meditation, since you’ll be able to absorb and harness the energy of the moon, during its energy peak.

2. How the Moon Affects Us by Potentially Impacting Fertility and Menstrual Cycles
Lunar cycles and menstrual cycles seem to mirror each other, as they are very similar in length (29 days), and even ancient civilisations have connected the lunar cycle with women’s menstrual cycles. As a result of this, they believed that the moon could help determine when women could become pregnant, and the moon phases could help predict when menstruation would occur.
To this day, many women still find themselves being influenced by the moon and getting their periods during a full moon.
This association of the moon with fertility is likely why the majority of deities that are associated with the moon are female. It retains that strong connection between the lunar cycle and women’s cycles.
The thing is, no one has been able to disprove this theory. While many experts disregard the concept of the moon having an impact on fertility, it doesn’t change the fact that full moons cause an increase in births and busier labor wards or that the ancient astrological charts that tracked the moon and fertility in women were even being used in the 1950s.
3. The Moon is Believed to be Associated with Life and Death
The waxing and waning of the moon are what has caused it to have such a strong association with life and death, and in some cultures, these beliefs are more sinister than others. Life and death are much like creation and destruction, which is why the moon is viewed as so powerful.
Some Polynesian Islanders associated the moon with a Goddess of Creation, and this was the same in Persia, where it was seen as the World Mother – the one who made us all.
However, with creation also comes destruction, and the Aztecs viewed the moon as a more sinister being. They believe it traveled the night sky hunting – searching for the next victim to consume. The Maori people referred to the moon as Man Eater, and Near East African and Semitic cultures had this same fear of the moon.
For some sects in Ancient Greece, and also for the Hindus, the moon was seen as the resting place of the dead – whether they remained there permanently or waited for reincarnation.
It’s interesting how the moon affects us if we believe in these sorts of things. For example, this belief might cause you to look up at the moon after a loved one has passed away, and talk to the moon. You might believe you are talking to your deceased loved one. Whether this theory is a myth or not doesn’t matter. The moon still affects you by providing you with some comfort when you have conversations with your deceased loved one while staring at the moon, which is where you believe they are watching over you from. This is how the moon affects us in comforting ways and helps us cope by believing in the moon.
4. The Phases of the Moon Have Different Effects
There are also common beliefs that the different phases of the moon have varying influences on our lives. In total, there are nine phases that the moon goes through in a 29 day lunar cycle:
- The New Moon signifies new beginnings and change.
- The Waxing Crescent Moon represents the intention you set during the New Moon.
- The First Quarter Moon signifies decision-making.
- The Waxing Gibbous Moon represents caution and ensuring you stay on your path.
- The Full Moon represents reflection and the emotional release and sealing of an intention.
- The Waning Gibbous is representative of gratitude.
- The Third Quarter is one that signifies forgiveness for yourself and others.
- The Waning Crescent is a sign that it’s time to let go and move forward.
- The New Moon returns, and the cycle begins again.
There are many who read the moon and the stars and stand by these phases and the way in which they can influence us. It’s not something that can be proven or denied, but it is something that many people find helpful in their lives when trying to set goals and also find themselves.
In other words, how the moon affects us is different for everyone, depending on what they choose to believe about the power and influence of the moon.
5. How The Moon’s Power Over the Tides Affects Us
Some of us will be very affected by the changing tides, which we know are caused by the moon. For example, tracking the tides is critical for fishermen, surfers, and boaters. Commercial and recreational fishermen use their knowledge of the tides and tidal currents to help them improve their chances of catching fish. Different species of fish may either concentrate during ebb or flood tidal currents.
To Conclude
The power of the moon is one that cannot be easily disproved by science or modern medicine. We often forget that the world, and the solar system, are much more mysterious than we could even fathom. Scientists are nowhere close to really understanding the universe. But we do understand energy.
If certain phases of the moon impact you, your mood, or your behavior differently, then it’s perfectly fine to believe in the power of the moon. After all, it’s mysterious, so being a believer is perfectly acceptable. If you want to meditate to the moon, you may first want to get to know yourself a little better with a DNA test so that you can focus your meditation.