Sleep Hygiene: How To Get Better Sleep

Sleep hygiene is essentially all about how to get better rest through lifestyle and bedtime routine changes. Poor rest affects our physical and mental health in many…

What Is the Flexitarian Diet, and What are the Benefits of Trying it?

If you’ve researched the benefits of plant-based diets, you’ve probably heard of the Flexitarian diet. So, what exactly is a Flexitarian? It’s not a new form of…

Body Odour (Bromhidrosis): Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

When you think about a body odour, also known as bromhidrosis or BO, you will probably think of a sour stench or unpleasant smell. Many people who…

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Symptoms and Treatment

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin our bodies need, but it’s unique because it’s a vitamin only found in animal products (as a bacterial product). Vitamin B12…

15 Reasons to Jump on the Glycerin Skincare Train

You’ve probably already used glycerin for skincare purposes, as it’s one of the most common ingredients in today’s beauty products – especially in moisturizing products. However, you…

Period Cramp Remedies That Will Ease Your Discomfort

You might think you’ve already tried all the period cramp remedies out there for those painful cramps and body aches during that time of the month. However,…

CircleDNA Birthday Special: Inspiring Stories From Our #CircleChangemakers

CircleDNA just turned 2! Thank you for supporting us throughout our journey. What started out as a university spin-off by a team of professors focused on genetics…

Lactose Intolerance Diet: The Best Dairy Alternatives

The lactose intolerance diet (a diet free of dairy or with modified amounts of dairy) is not very difficult to manage. Since approximately 75% of the world’s…

What Is Your Waist to Hip Ratio and Why Is It Important

When you first think of your waist to hip ratio, you might be thinking of women with those curvy, hourglass body shapes. Celebrities like Beyonce might pop…

Skin Cancer Prevention: What You Need to Know

If you’re looking forward to spending more time in the sunshine this year, it’s crucial that you look after the largest organ in your body: Your skin….

How To Improve Emotional Intelligence

For many people, learning how to improve emotional intelligence is not the easiest feat. With that in mind, the journey of further developing your emotional intelligence is…

How To Fix Your Sleep Schedule

Have you been wondering how to fix your sleep schedule? Perhaps it’s because you haven’t been sleeping well, you’ve been going to sleep too late, waking up…