12 Inadvertent Oral Health Mistakes You Could Be Making

Some oral health mistakes are more common than others, but there are plenty of mistakes people make when it comes to properly caring for their teeth. In…

What Is The Function Of The Colon?

Your colon health is important for many reasons. According to the American Cancer Society, the chance of getting colorectal or colon cancer is 1 in 23 men…

What Does An Antibody Test Tell About Your Immunity Towards COVID-19?

There are two different main types of tests for COVID-19. There’s an antibody test, which tests your antibody levels to help determine your level of immunity towards…

10 Ways To Protect Your Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally, which is why protecting your heart health is so important. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately…

Health Benefits Of Cruciferous Vegetables

We all know that a healthy, well-balanced diet includes fruits and vegetables, but cruciferous vegetables might be the most important ones of all. Certain vegetables such as…

Health Issues That Can Increase Risk Of Heart Problems

It goes without saying how vital a healthy heart is when it comes to your overall health, and how important it is to do whatever you can…

The Importance Of Various Heart Health Check-Ups

Your heart health is not something to neglect. In the United States alone, the CDC shares that one person dies every 36 seconds from heart disease. Global…

Which Health Problems Are Linked To Food Sensitivities?

Certain health problems such as inflammation, bloating, skin rashes, IBS and asthma could potentially be caused by food sensitivities. By eating foods you’re sensitive to, these types…

Why Is Testing Your Testosterone Levels Important?

Testosterone is a hormone most commonly associated with masculinity, but it’s responsible for a lot more than most people realize. All human bodies make testosterone. Whether you’re…

The Importance Of Covid Vaccine Booster Shots

More and more people are getting Covid vaccine booster shots despite the booster not being mandatory. The importance of Covid vaccine booster shots in the fight against…

What is Colon Cancer And How Can It Be Prevented?

Sadly, colon cancer doesn’t garner the same attention as breast cancer with the latter’s Pink October campaign. There’s no hype surrounding colon cancer, which is rather unfortunate…

Multiple Sclerosis: Signs, Symptoms And Treatment For MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that attacks your central nervous system, the seat of everything that makes you who you are, and everything you can…