Hypothyroidism: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hypothyroidism is a health condition that occurs when the thyroid gland does not generate enough of thyroid hormone. Because the thyroid hormone’s primary function is to drive…

Psoriasis: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease with no known cure. It is an immune system problem that propels the skin to regenerate faster than normal. Consequently, angry…

Finding A Lump In My Breast: My Breast Cancer Scare

When I found a lump in my breast a couple of years ago, my heart sank. The first thing I thought of when I felt a lump…

How to Cope When A Loved One Has Cancer

When you find out a family member or friend has cancer, it can feel very overwhelming. Learning how to cope when a loved one has cancer is…

What is World Alzheimer’s Day and How Can You Participate?

World Alzheimer’s Day is on September 21st. It’s a day focused on the goal of raising awareness about Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease…

Neuroplasticity Exercises: Why Do Children Improve Way Faster at Chess Than Adults?

In this article, we’re going to discuss the importance of neuroplasticity and neuroplasticity exercises. Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to change and adapt to reconfigure information. You’ve…

7 Health Benefits of CBD

More and more health benefits of CBD are being discovered by researchers and people around the globe. When it comes to CBD (cannabidiol) it seems you can…

Crohn’s Disease: What’s It Really Like?

Crohn’s disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease, and most people don’t know much about it. Before I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease about 10 years…

Stand Up To Cancer Day: How Can You Make a Difference?

National Stand Up To Cancer Day is a day that’s honoured annually, to raise funds for cancer research through various online efforts, and to raise awareness about…

Health Benefits of Magnesium and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

If you’re not aware of all the health benefits of magnesium, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and you’ll want more of it. Magnesium is one of the most…

Health Benefits of Foam Rolling

If you’re into fitness and you exercise regularly, it’s important to note the health benefits of foam rolling. Anyone who goes to the gym or exercises regularly…

What Is Your Waist to Hip Ratio and Why Is It Important

When you first think of your waist to hip ratio, you might be thinking of women with those curvy, hourglass body shapes. Celebrities like Beyonce might pop…