Parkinson’s Disease: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Parkinson’s disease is a very serious, degenerative neurological disorder that affects approximately 1 in 500 people globally. Unfortunately, that number is expected to increase as the population…

Schizophrenia: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

The stigma associated with schizophrenia, a severe mental health disorder, can be polarizing. In the news, tv shows, and movies, we often see schizophrenic patients inflicting self-harm…

Depression: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses with the most resources available for those suffering, but that doesn’t make the struggle of being depressed any…

Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Treatment Options

Plantar fasciitis could be a condition you’re suffering with if you experience foot pain whenever you take a step (whenever the pressure of your weight is placed…

Heart Attack: Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Understanding the signs of a heart attack could help you save a life. While it’s true that certain people are at higher risk of a heart attack,…

Glaucoma: Overview, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision problems and blindness worldwide. When you’re healthy, it’s easy to take certain aspects of your health for granted….

Hypertension Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Hypertension symptoms often go undetected and unnoticed, which is why regular screenings are so important. According to the World Health Organization, around 1.3 billion people aged 30…

Gout: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Gout has been an issue for human beings for thousands of years. In fact, it was one of the first diseases to be recognized in humans by…

Dust Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment

If dust is everywhere, how can you cope when you have a dust allergy? A dust allergy is sometimes called a dust mite allergy. You could be…

Phosphorus Deficiency: Symptoms and Treatment

Phosphorus deficiency is a rare health condition that could be due to a poor diet, or another underlying health condition. Phosphorus is a mineral that is found…

COVID-19: Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses primarily responsible for causing respiratory illness in people. Covid-19 is a new virus that was first reported in December 2019 after…

Multiple Sclerosis: Signs, Symptoms And Treatment For MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that attacks your central nervous system, the seat of everything that makes you who you are, and everything you can…