Can Deafness Be Inherited?
A lot of people wonder how hearing loss happens and if deafness can be inherited. Unbeknownst to most people, non-syndromic hearing loss is one of the most…
7 Yoga Poses For Digestion And Improved Gut Health
Yoga is beneficial to our health in so many ways, from mental health benefits and reduced stress, to physical fitness benefits and improved digestion. There are yoga…
8 Dogs With Good Personalities and Intelligence
Dogs with good personalities could make a big difference in one’s pet ownership experience, and one’s relationship with their dog. In fact, many people research which dogs…
What Are The Three Types of Breast Sarcoma?
Rare forms of cancer, such as sarcomas, are sometimes caused by gene mutations. However, one can acquire these mutations rather than being born with them, for example…
What is a Mammogram?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s important to raise awareness about mammograms. What is a mammogram, who should get one, do they hurt, and what…
Is Breast Cancer Hereditary?
If you’ve been curious if breast cancer is hereditary, it’s likely because you’ve heard that other types of cancer are much more hereditary than breast cancer. Is…
上班族普遍也面對同一問題,長期坐著缺乏運動,久而久之導致脂肪積聚肚腩及下半身。根據世界衛生組織調查,全球肥胖人士從1975年至現在增加了三倍。到底怎樣才算肥胖?小肚腩對健康有沒有影響?經常聽說澱粉質會致肥,瘦身是應該戒斷澱粉質嗎? 如何判斷自己是否肥胖? 大家經常說要符合BMI標準,到底BMI是什麼?身體質量指數(BMI)是普遍衡量體重的指數。 身體質量指數(BMI) BMI值計算公式: BMI = 體重(kg) / 身高(m²) 例如一個成年男子的體重為 100公斤,身高為1.8米,他的BMI為 30.9 。 BMI:100 (公斤) / 1.82 (米2)= 30.9 得到BMI值後,那到底怎樣才算肥胖?根據世界衛生組織的指標,以下為亞洲成年人不同健康狀態相對應的BMI。指數不適用於18歲以下兒童及懷孕中的婦女。 要注意的是 BMI 並沒有把性別及身型計算在內,因此結合腰臀比來評估肥胖程度是較為理想。 腰臀比例 (Waist-hip ratio)…
Healthy Sports Drinks And Electrolyte Beverages: Which Ones Are Healthiest?
Many of us who love working out can appreciate the extra boost that healthy sports drinks and electrolyte beverages give us. The performance enhancing pre-workout powders that…
I Tried To Become Superhuman in 7 Days | Browney
Have you ever tried to become the best version of yourself based on your DNA? Stan Bruininck from the YouTube channel Browney dives into his 500+ CircleDNA…
Josh vs Ollie: who is genetically superior? | JOLLY
Wondering how your DNA results compare to your best friend’s? Do you have similar food sensitivities, personality traits, or even ancestry makeup? Tune into Josh and Ollie…
【DNA測試比較 | 價錢、項目】DNA測試不是只用作親子鑑證?為何我需要做DNA測試?
甚麼是DNA? 人類、植物和動物都含有數以百萬計的細胞,每個細胞都有一個核心。而每個核心內則有一條條去氧核糖核酸 (DNA),並組成一組組染色體(chromosome)。DNA是人類生命的藍圖或說明書,含有我們身體結構和功能所需要的資訊。我們身上的特徵、膚色、體質、疾病細胞也是源於自身獨一無二的基因鏈。為什麼要進行DNA測試了解更多? DNA測試除了能作親子鑑證及查明祖先來源,還有什麼用途? DNA測試通過檢測血液、體液或細胞中的DNA分子,從而獲得基因資訊。檢測人員會從檢測者的口腔黏液或其他組織細胞中,抽取樣本並透過檢測儀器進行檢驗。基因排序能反映出你有否疾病遺傳性基因、助你預測疾病風險,有助預防和治療。你也能透過基因測試了解適合你的最佳膳食及營養搭配,以及有否對藥物或食物過敏等等。另外較為常見的用途為產前胎兒DNA篩檢。 DNA測試如何運作 你可親身到醫療中心或診所安排預約檢測,或選擇網上購買DNA測試套裝,在家中自行進行檢查。舉例,若購買CircleDNA測試,只要進行以下4個簡單程序便完成。 上網預約,CircleDNA會將測試套件送至你家中 檢測者自行採集簡單的唾液樣本 寄回樣本至CircleDNA實驗室 檢測者將於18個工作天內收到測試報告,安排與健康顧問進行一對一電話諮詢服務 DNA測試價錢 DNA測試種類繁多,不同項目有不同收費。若只為單一疾病作基因測試(例如針對大腸癌或乳癌),收費約幾千元。若希望進行全面的癌症基因測試,費用則由4,990元至69,000元不等。檢測項目越多,售價越貴。以下是常見的基因測試之收費: CircleDNA為最全面的基因測試,除了癌症風險、疾病基因、過敏源外,還有很多有趣資訊。 其中包括: 你的祖源結構 對於伴侶的忠誠度 你的性格,如你是否神經質、內向或外向、有否責任心 自身皮膚的天然優勢和不足 獨特的身體特徵 藝術潛能 IQ、EQ、AQ 若想全方位了解自己,請聯絡我們了解更多關於CircleDNA全面基因測試。 📖 延伸閱讀:為何大家都在做DNA測試?基因測試能提供甚麼資訊?【內含價錢】
CircleDNA Reviews: See What Our Circlers Have To Say
There was a time when most people paid for a DNA test to find out their ancestry information. Nowadays, as you’ll find out from reading CircleDNA reviews…