How To Stay Active In The Winter
Figuring out how to stay active in the winter involves fighting a lot of your natural urges. In the winter, we’re often feeling the urge to hibernate…

What’s The Difference Between Stress And Anxiety?
Understanding the difference between stress and anxiety is crucial for managing your mental health. Many people confuse anxiety for stress and vice versa. What exactly is the…

What is Composting And Why Should You Compost At Home?
What if many of the problems our planet faces today could be solved with just a little creativity and discipline? Composting is an environmentally-friendly practice many people…

The Law of Attraction: An Overview
The Law of Attraction is a philosophy that suggests you can attract whatever your mind focuses on into your life. The main theory is that positive thoughts…

What Is a Food Diary And Why Is It Helpful To Keep One?
Whether you’re trying to lose weight, track food sensitivities, or you’re simply trying to develop a healthier relationship with food, keeping a food diary could help you…

Stress Belly: How to Overcome Stress-Induced Obesity
How can you overcome a stubborn stress belly? It’s becoming more widely known that excess stress can lead to excess belly fat. There are a host of…

Executive Dysfunction: How To Cope With Impaired Executive Functioning
Impairment of executive functions is referred to as ‘executive dysfunction’, and it can severely impact the quality of life. Our executive functioning refers to the imperative cognitive…

Health Risks Of A Sedentary Lifestyle
There are many health risks of a sedentary lifestyle, and that’s why people are saying, ‘sitting is the new smoking’. Be wary of health problems associated with…

11 Things To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving
When you sit around the dinner table this Thanksgiving, and it’s your turn to express what you’re thankful for, you shouldn’t be stumped. If you are, hopefully,…

How To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude This Thanksgiving
The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday is all about giving thanks for what you have and expressing genuine gratitude. Life gets better when you become more grateful for what…

11.11 Special: Singles’ Day Compilation
When was the last time you caught a break? Take this day as a gentle reminder to make yourself a priority and treat yourself! You don’t need…

10 Health Benefits of Steam Rooms
Table of Contents 1. Post-Workout Recovery2. Cleanses and Hydrates the Skin3. Helps with Weight Loss4. Natural Detoxification5. Helps Prevent Heart Disease6. Relieves Pressure from Sinus Cavity7. Improves…