Cardio: Before or After Weights?

Regardless of whether you’ve just signed on to your local gym or have calluses on your hands from years of experience, chances are that you’ve pondered the…

Want To Get Fit Before Christmas? Join Our Fitmas Challenge!

A Fitmas Challenge is not usually at the top of the list during the festive season, because there’s so much going on, that we tend to de-prioritize…

What To Eat Before a Morning Workout

What’s the best thing to eat before a morning workout, or should you even eat beforehand? The truth is, there’s no better way to ensure you fit…

How Can You Do a DNA Test Before The Baby is Born?

How can you do a DNA test before the baby is born, and is it safe? Your doctor might suggest genetic screening while you’re pregnant, during one…

7 Beauty Hacks To Try Before Your Next Special Event

A list of beauty hacks are always good to keep in your back pocket, especially if you want to look especially striking for a special event such…

Why Should You Stretch Both Before And After A Workout?

Many people neglect to stretch before and after a workout because they don’t truly understand the benefits of stretching. Why should you stretch? The most common reason…

Does Eating Early Before a Workout Burn More Carbs?

Can doing a workout burn carbs when you eat before you exercise? Any kind of workout will help you to get rid of unwanted fat and burn…