Can Someone With An Anxious Attachment Style Be With An Avoidant Personality?

If you’re experiencing conflict with your partner, and you’re not sure why you keep clashing, you may not realize that you have clashing or opposing attachment styles….

Best DNA Test For Weight Loss: See CircleDNA Reviews From Our Circlers!

Using a DNA test for weight loss works because by learning about your genetic predispositions, you can learn what to avoid eating, what to eat, and what…

Postpartum Diet: Postnatal Nutrition Tips

There are certain guidelines you need to be informed of when it comes to your postpartum diet. The right postpartum diet and good nutrition can speed up…

Raise Your Vibration: What Does it Mean to Vibrate at a High Frequency?

What does it actually mean to raise your vibration, and why is it important? You, along with everything around you, vibrate and create energy. All the elements…

How To Create A Self Care Planner

Learning how to create a self care planner helps you implement the fundamental and nurturing practice of self-care into your life. Self care is the ultimate act…

10 Simple Self-Care Ideas To Add To Your Daily Routine

For people who are yet to discover the power of regular self-care for themselves, the easiest strategy is usually to start slow, with some basic wellness initiatives…

MBTI Quiz: Is the MBTI Personality Test Accurate?

You may have taken a MBTI personality test (Myers-Briggs Personality Test) at your work, or at home just for fun. It’s not uncommon to take a MBTI…

10 Traits That Make You a Better Sibling

Being a good sibling isn’t always easy, but there are ways to become a better sibling. It’s not always clear what you need to do in order…

8 Tips For Challenging Negative Thoughts

If you want to practice self-awareness, self-love, and cultivate a healthier mind frame, it is important to learn the art of challenging negative thoughts. However, many would…

7 Healthy Fat Foods You Should Be Eating

Everyone’s health stands to benefit a great deal by incorporating fat into their diets, but it’s important to choose healthy fat foods. Generally speaking, unsaturated fats are…

Five DNA Tests Comparison: Is CircleDNA Good?

99.9% of our genes are identical. The seemingly small remainder of 0.1% of genes accounts for the magic behind all human genetic variation. Are you athletic? Where…

How Does CircleDNA Work? DNA Testing Guide: What is it & How Does it Work?

DNA testing is all the craze these days. Different laboratories and companies have their own approach to carry out the test and analysis. So, how does CircleDNA…