What Does a Food Coma Feel Like and Why Does it Happen?
What is a food coma, what does it feel like, and how exactly do you overcome the feeling? If you always find yourself feeling extra sleepy after…

Do You Have The BRCA Gene That Causes Breast Cancer?
The BRCA genes are the most important genes people can look for during genetic testing, when they’re looking for their genetic risk of developing serious hereditary cancers…

How is Sickle Cell Disease Inherited?
One of the most common inherited diseases is Sickle Cell Disease, an inherited blood disorder that causes many health complications. How is Sickle Cell Disease inherited? By…

Why Is Inflammatory Breast Cancer Diagnosed Relatively Late?
Inflammatory Breast Cancer can be one of the more difficult cancers to catch at an early stage, and the fact that it’s diagnosed late impacts survival rates….

How Can You Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so it’s natural to be thinking about how to reduce your risk of breast cancer. While there’s not necessarily any scientifically-proven…

Most Common Hormonal Causes For Weight Gain
There are various factors in our lives which contribute to weight gain, weight loss, and weight management. There are hormonal imbalances and different hormones that cause weight…

Can Deafness Be Inherited?
A lot of people wonder how hearing loss happens and if deafness can be inherited. Unbeknownst to most people, non-syndromic hearing loss is one of the most…

Health Benefits Of The Nordic Diet
There are many benefits of the Nordic diet, which is a healthy and balanced diet quite similar to the Mediterranean diet. The Nordic diet involves eating less…

Is Breast Cancer Hereditary?
If you’ve been curious if breast cancer is hereditary, it’s likely because you’ve heard that other types of cancer are much more hereditary than breast cancer. Is…

Best DNA Test For Detecting Health Risks
Are you in search of the best DNA test for health, that you can do in the comfort of your own home with a simple cheek swab?…

What Protein Does For Your Body and Why it’s Important
What does protein do for your body? Adequate protein is one of the most important elements of any diet, but why? As a critical source of fuel,…

Your Guide to Whey Protein
Are you wondering about whey protein benefits? Whey protein is probably one of the better-known forms of protein available for essential human nutrition. Unlike other kinds of…