Are You Emotional or Is It Premenstrual Syndrome?
Does everything just suck out of nowhere? Bloating, headaches, and mood swings out of nowhere? If you’re a woman, you might already be familiar with Premenstrual Syndrome….

The Importance of Body Fat: 5 Reasons You Need It
Why do we hate body fat so much? Apart from being photoshopped out of social media by unrealistic body expectations, there’s also the immediate assumption that all…

Cryotherapy: Understanding the Benefits and Risks
You know how you use a pack of ice to ease swelling and inflammation? Cryotherapy works in a similar fashion. Cryotherapy is a form of therapeutic treatment…

Can Depression Cause Heart Failure? Understanding the Link Between Mental Health and Heart Disease.
Should we take it literally when a loved one is suffering from a “broken heart”? With a potential link between negative mental health and heart disease, we…

早晚各洗一次臉是護膚日常,但身邊卻有人只用清水洗臉,卻能保持皮膚光滑。到底一天洗多少次臉才是正確?洗面產品又應如何選擇? 洗臉最佳方法原來亦因人而異,選擇正確的洗臉產品需要必先了解自己的膚質。 皮膚檢測方法 基因測試:天生麗質真的從基因開始,所以CircleDNA基因測試能解鎖你的肌膚基因奧秘,讓你能了解自己天生屬於油性、乾性或中性膚質,以及其他皮膚資訊,如皮膚保濕能力、美白能力及皺紋風險等。 皮膚分析儀器:由專業護膚師或皮膚專家使用皮膚分析儀器,觀察並分析皮膚質地、毛孔大小、色素沉澱、皺紋情況及水分含量等。 手機app檢測:使用相機拍照後上傳,手機app會將你的皮質與資料庫的其他皮膚作對比再作分析。1分鐘後便能查看你的肌膚分析報告。準確度不及專業皮膚分析儀器,但可作參考。 膚質及適合的潔面產品 1. 乾性皮膚:洗臉除了去除油分,不多不少更會去除水分,令原本乾燥的皮膚更缺水。建議選擇滋潤型潔面產品,例如含有玻尿酸、橄欖油等保濕成分的潔面產品,鎖水保濕。千萬不要使用起泡產品! 2. 油性皮膚:油性肌容易因油脂分泌過剩而導致泛油光、黏膩的膚況,更有可能受生暗瘡及粉刺問題困擾。因此洗面乳需要能去除毛孔污垢,建議選擇控油型潔面產品,例如含有茶樹精油、綠茶提取物等控油成分的潔面產品。 3. 中性皮膚:水分和油分分泌正常,所以護膚可以按季節而定。夏天可選擇較清爽的潔面產品,而冬天選擇更滋潤的產品,避免肌膚失衡。 4. 混合性皮膚:T字位油而臉頓較乾,建議選擇調節油水平衡的潔面產品,例如含有水楊酸、維他命B5等調節皮膚油水平衡的潔面產品。 5. 敏感性皮膚:容易泛紅及痕癢,建議選擇溫和型潔面產品,例如含有綠茶提取物、等溫和成分的潔面產品。注意不要使用含有酒精及刺激性產品。 每人的皮膚也有不同需要,選擇適合自己膚質的潔面產品,才能維持肌膚健康,避免導致皮膚問題的產生。 除了潔面產品,大家也有各自的洗臉方法。有人說冷水可收縮毛孔,有人說熱水才能達到真正清潔效果,我們為大家逐一拆解迷思。 潔面產品的常見迷思 1. 用熱水洗臉才能徹底清潔:使用適溫的溫水就可以徹底清潔臉部,過熱的水反而會使皮膚乾燥。 2. 每天只需洗臉洗一次:皮膚醫生還是建議大家早晚洗臉,乾性皮膚可選擇早上以清水洗臉,晚上才使用潔面產品。油性皮膚容易毛孔閉塞,建議早晚也使用潔面產品。 3. 使用含酒精成分的潔面產品才能有效去除暗瘡:酒精成分確實可以殺菌,但過度使用會破壞皮膚屏障,反而讓暗瘡更嚴重。建議使用含有水楊酸等成分的潔面產品。4. 刷臉刷可以更好地清潔臉部:對於某些人來說,刷臉刷可以更好地去除死皮細胞和清潔毛孔,但對於皮膚薄弱或敏感的人來說,使用刷臉刷可能會過度刺激皮膚,造成損傷。

Endometriosis Treatment: Has The Best Way To Fight Endometriosis Been Discovered?
Endometriosis has gained increased attention in recent years, and so have endometriosis treatment options. Women are unlearning the misguided belief that we are simply meant to “put…

What You Should Know About Taking Melatonin for Sleep
If you have trouble falling asleep or you struggle with insomnia, you may have considered taking melatonin for sleep. Considered a relatively natural solution for common sleep…

Spring Activities: Self-Care Activities For Spring
The worst of the cold, dreary and dark winter season is over for temperate countries, so this means it’s time for fun spring activities. Now that the…

Hashimoto’s Disease: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Treatments
What exactly is Hashimoto’s disease? Perhaps you’ve been feeling tired all the time, and none of your usual ways to perk up are working anymore. Maybe you’ve…

What is Early Onset Alzheimer’s? Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Early onset Alzheimer’s is a difficult concept to grapple with, because most associate this disease with old age. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a type of dementia that…

Hay Fever Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Hay fever symptoms typically mimic that of the common cold, so people often fear that they are contagious. If you experience common cold-like symptoms such as watery…