Type A VS Type B Personality Types

Getting to know yourself better should certainly include figuring out if you’re a Type A or Type B personality type. While everyone’s personality is unique, many of us possess certain similar character traits which may indicate we belong to one specific personality type more than another.

Notably, there are four specific “personality types”. Over the years, these basic categories have earned various designations and names, but they’re most commonly known as Type A, B, C, and D personalities.

Type A and Type B personalities are two of the most commonly recognized personalities in psychology. These personality types are often presented as opposites, with Type As priding themselves on their meticulous, ambitious and organized nature, while the Type B personality individuals often celebrate a more laid-back attitude and a ‘butterfly in the wind’ nature.

Knowing what kind of personality “Type” you identify with can help you to better understand your behavior traits, and help you find more compatible relationships with others.

Type A vs Type B Personality: What’s the Difference?

Type A and Type B personalities are the two best-known personality types. Let’s explore the defining characteristics of both the Type A and Type B personality:

Type A:

Type A personalities, or “TABPs”, as they’re sometimes called, are also known as “Directors”. Type A individuals are known for being highly organized, analytical, and committed to following the rules. Think of characters such as Hermione Grainger, who expects everything to be just-so, while driven by high levels of ambition.

People with Type A personalities are often highly productive and thrive on the systems they put in place for themselves. Unfortunately, Type A personalities can often put themselves under excessive amounts of stress, and often come across as easily irritable or impatient with others.


Common Type A Strengths:

  • Driven to succeed, and highly committed to achieving their goals
  • Focused and organized
  • Determined and self-sufficient
  • Capable of achieving incredible things with great planning
  • Level-headed when dealing with crisis situations
  • Natural leaders
  • Decisive

Common Type A Weaknesses:

  • Irritable or impatient
  • Can come across as bossy, aggressive or hostile
  • Prone to high levels of stress
  • Competitive nature
  • Often hold themselves to unreasonable standards (perfectionism)
  • Can be too controlling

Type B:

The Type B personality, also known as the “Socializer,” refers to the kind of person who tends to be outgoing and enthusiastic, but also more laid-back and light-hearted. Often referred to as the carefree ‘butterfly in the wind’, those with a Type B personality are considered to be the opposite of the Type As.

Type B personalities take things slow and steady or less rigidly, which leaves room for more spontaneity and creativity.

People with a Type B personality may be perceived as romantic, or considered “dreamers.” They often have a less competitive nature than Type As, and though they’re interested in achievement, they’re more likely to be driven by feelings, experiences and relationships.

While Type B personalities are more laid-back, they’re also more prone to procrastination and may struggle to achieve their goals at the same pace as a Type A individual.

Common Type B Strengths:

  • Often praised for being easy going and laid back
  • Typically agreeable, friendly and easy to get along with
  • Creative, artistic, and carefree
  • Romantic and spontaneous
  • Open-minded
  • Even-tempered and patient with others

Common Type B Weaknesses:

  • Prone to procrastination
  • Often struggling to achieve their goals (which can lead to becoming demotivated)
  • May be vulnerable to unfair treatment in certain situations due to their easy, laidback nature
  • Often don’t compete for the best opportunities
  • May struggle living up to their full potential
  • May be disorganized or unfocused
  • Often indecisive

How Does Your Personality Type Affect You?

Interestingly, studies suggest personality type has a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. This is because certain ailments are more likely to be linked to psychological factors.

Certain studies have also indicated people with Type A personalities may be at higher risk of stress-related ailments, such as heart disease. Being more competitive, ambitious, and fixated on your goals can naturally lead to higher levels of stress, and more pressure on your heart.

Notably, claims about how personality types influence your health and fitness have been widely disputed over the years. Just because you have a certain personality doesn’t guarantee you’re going to end up with a chronic or life-altering condition.

People with a Type A personality may be more predisposed to stress, but they can also be effective at fighting against these feelings by establishing routines to help them maintain inner peace.

Similarly, a person with a Type B personality might not have the same stress levels to worry about as a Type A individual, but their laidback nature might mean they don’t do as much exercise or pay as much attention to caring for themselves.

Regardless of how your personality type influences your physical health, there’s no doubt it has an impact on mental and emotional wellbeing. In particular, personality types can influence the relationships we have with others.

Other Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better

Learning your personality type is just one of many ways you can get to know yourself better. In addition to some genetic insight into your personality, a CircleDNA test can provide you with hundreds of other reports about yourself, so you can get to know yourself better.

Your CircleDNA reports will include information such as your stress response, skin traits, health risks, behaviour traits, success traits, gifted abilities, and more.

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