What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Why Does it Reduce Anxiety?

Learning and practicing progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) could alleviate muscle tightness and anxiety that often stems from work issues, relationship woes, financial worries or other stressors. One…

5 Bedtime Routine Ideas That Help You Fall Asleep

If you have trouble falling asleep, the right answer to your problem is to develop a bedtime routine that works for you. Quality sleep is crucial for…

Do You Really Need 8 Hours of Sleep?

Do you really need 8 hours of sleep? This is an incredibly common question, because some people think that the ‘8 hours of sleep per day’ concept…

Nutritional Immunology: How The Foods You Eat Affect Your Immune System

Nutritional Immunology is a scientific field of study, which explores how the foods we eat influence our body’s immune response. The foods you eat don’t just have…

Mold Exposure Symptoms: 10 Signs You May Have Been Exposed to Water Damage or Mold

Mold exposure symptoms are often mistaken for something else, and many people don’t know about water damage or mold growth in their own home. Exposure to water…

Ginseng Health Benefits: 5 Reasons To Incorporate Ginseng Into Your Diet

For well over 2,000 years ginseng has been a valuable herb found in most apothecaries across Asia. There are many ginseng health benefits that make it a…

Sweet Potato Recipes: 6 Delicious Recipes That Use Sweet Potatoes

There are certain delicious sweet potato recipes that truly shine the spotlight on this underrated super spud. Compared to regular potatoes, which seem to always make it…

Are Organic Foods Healthier? Pros and Cons of Eating Organic

Are organic foods healthier? This is a popular question that has been the source of debate for many years. There are many people who claim there’s nothing…

5 Healthy Keto Snacks That Are Easy To Make

The Keto diet is one of the most challenging diets to follow, but it helps to have pre-prepared Keto snacks in your fridge or pantry, ready to…

What Does The Biopsychosocial Model of Health Tell Us About Well-Being?

The biopsychosocial model of health is a unique approach to understanding the factors involved in the overall health, well-being, and healing of human beings. An alternative approach…

Excess Sugar Consumption: What Happens To Your Body When You Consume Too Much Sugar?

Excess sugar consumption is a common problem, especially since sugar addiction is a very real issue that many people struggle with. Some people have a genetically higher…

What Exactly Is Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression is one of many possible experiences a woman could feel after giving birth to a baby. Becoming a mother is one of the biggest changes…