Christmas Dinner Recipes for the Mediterranean Diet
Easy yet detailed recipes that adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Looking for a Personal Trainer? Beware These 5 Mistakes
If you’ve got yourself a shiny new gym membership card, chances are, you’re looking for a PT, or personal trainer, to help you put your best foot…

The Importance of Proper Footwear And Arch Support For Physical Activity
If you’ve ever considered buying a pair of arch support shoes, cushioned insoles, or a carefully-shaped and extra-supportive boot for hiking, you know how important the right…

Empowering Women Through Nutrition: A Healthy Eating Guide For Women
Healthy eating for women doesn’t involve any fad diets or unrealistic goals based on vanity. It’s about finding the right nutritional balance for our bodies based on…

Women’s Health Across Their Lifespan: Health Concerns For Women Based On Age
Health concerns for women often change throughout their lives, because there are different health risks depending on your age. While at every age, it’s important to eat…

The Importance of Self-Care: Tips for Improving Women’s Mental Health
Prioritizing self-care is something that seems like it should be common sense, but many women’s mental health concerns originate from (or are worsened by) forgetting about self-care….

Your Guide to Journaling For Mental Health
Keeping a journal is great for your mental health. In fact, journaling for mental health is one of the top natural remedies for mental health struggles, next…

11 Christmas Gifts For Siblings
Our siblings are some of the most important people we shop for each Christmas, and the types of gifts for siblings are ones we’re very thoughtful about….

Diet For Inflammation Prevention: The Effect Of Diet On Inflammation
Choosing the right diet for inflammation issues could be the key to reducing inflammation in your body. Inflammation is a natural process in the human body, but…

Debunking Frozen Food Myths: Is Frozen Food Bad For You?
Is frozen food bad for you, and should you be cooking with fresh veggies? Should you be avoiding those frozen meals that are so quick and easy…

10 Common Epilepsy Triggers To Watch Out For
Are you familiar with the most common epilepsy triggers? Most people aren’t, unless they have a close friend or family member with epilepsy. November is National Epilepsy…

Who Should Get A Genetic Carrier Screening For Genetic Health Conditions?
The primary goal of people who take a carrier screening test is to find out whether they carry any genetic mutations for certain diseases. It allows you…