Reasons Why You Need To Test Your COVID-19 Antibody Levels
Antibodies are naturally occurring proteins that recognize foreign material in the body, and trigger a defense by coordinating with the body’s immune system. Checking antibody levels is…

What To Do With Idle Time
In today’s fast-paced modern world, free time is considered a luxury, but what happens when you have too much of it? Idle time should be put to…

7 Benefits Of Being Spiritually Minded
Have you ever noticed that quite often, spiritual people seem happier and more at peace? One of the many benefits of being spiritually minded is optimism and…

6 Ways To Stop An Argument
According to renowned motivational speaker and life coach Tony Gaskins, “Arguing isn’t communication – it’s noise.” Whether it’s with our partner, our mother, best friend, lover, or…
What Is A Fertility Test And Who Should Get One?
There might be a few different reasons why people decide to get a fertility test. If you’ve been having difficulty conceiving, if you’re a woman starting a…

10 Ways To Increase Sleep Duration
Have you ever woken up from sleep not feeling well-rested at all? It’s possible you have what’s known as ‘short sleep duration’, often due to your genetics….

What Your Stool Says About Your Health
We know you don’t want to talk about your bowel movements (no one really does), but you might be interested to know what your stool says about…

The Science Behind Longevity
Many people think that the term ‘longevity’ is synonymous with ‘lifespan’. In fact, the two terms (while similar) have two separate meanings. When we refer to someone’s…

Can Type A And Type B Personalities Date Each Other?
Type A and Type B personalities are two of the most commonly recognized personality types in psychology. These personality types are often presented as polar opposites. This…

Type A VS Type B Personality Types
Getting to know yourself better should certainly include figuring out if you’re a Type A or Type B personality type. While everyone’s personality is unique, many of…

Share the Love This Month
It’s officially Love season! A magical time when social media feeds are bombarded with cute couple portraits featuring extravagant bouquets. Valentine’s Day falls on the 14th of…

A Beginner’s Guide To Spirituality
The term “spirituality” isn’t widely understood. Many people automatically align the concept of spirituality with religion, crystals, meditation, or an “alternative” lifestyle. However, the reality is that…