Celebrating Christmas Alone: 8 Joyful Ways To Spend The Holidays Solo

Celebrating Christmas alone isn’t easy, but many people have to celebrate the holidays solo due to circumstance. Even if you don’t know anyone else who is celebrating…

How To Create The Perfect Holiday Snack Board For Your Guests

The festive season is here, and that calls for a holiday snack board. If you’re expecting a lot of guests such as friends or family at your…

Your Mental Health Gift Guide And Mental Health Stocking Stuffers

Mental health gifts may be one of the best ways to show your loved ones you care about their emotional health. After all, when someone is struggling…

11 Tips To Warm Yourself Up If Your Home Heating Doesn’t Work

If you need to know how to warm yourself up at home because your central heating isn’t working or you don’t have a furnace or fireplace, you’re…

Winter Hobbies To Try Out This Season

It’s healthier and more productive to engage in winter hobbies and activities instead of using the cold, dark weather as an excuse to sit on the couch…

Tips For Keeping Your Kids Occupied And Entertained Over Christmas Break

When Christmas break starts, keeping kids occupied becomes a primary concern. For adults, it feels like much less of a ‘break’ when your kids are constantly demanding…

Vegan Christmas Dinner Ideas

There are many reasons why you might be preparing to cook a vegan Christmas dinner this year. Perhaps you’ve gone vegan or most of your family is…

Here’s What To Do If You Can’t Afford Christmas Gifts This Year

A lot of people can’t afford Christmas gifts this year, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. There are plenty of ways to give gifts without spending…

How To Stay Motivated In The Winter

Mastering how to stay motivated and avoid the winter slump is one of the primary concerns for people during these colder and darker months. A study on…


聖誕將至,又是時候煩惱該入手什麼聖誕禮物。每年也是香水、化妝品、電子產品等,好像有點欠缺新意。近年大家更注重和珍惜健康,不妨為身邊的至親送上專屬的健康禮物!無論你準備為父母、兄弟姐妹、朋友或另一半送上節日祝福,CircleDNA基因測試也是暖心的聖誕禮物之選。 任何人也想了解自己多一點,現在進行基因測試只需一抹唾液,便能從內到外更了解自己!你知道自己家族有哪些疾病基因嗎?想知道自己容易對什麼過敏?想尋找適合自己的運動?DNA就像是我們的生命藍圖,隱藏了許多關於健康和疾病,甚至是性格的資訊。 CircleDNA基因測試提供500+個檢測項目,覆蓋20個範疇,包括健康和疾病風險、膳食和營養需求、藥物反應、才能和運動表現等。DNA測試能讓你更深層次了解自己,更會提供一些有關提升健康的建議,讓你能採取適當措施預防疾病。 測試方法十分簡單,只需4個程序便完成: CircleDNA將測試套件送至你家中 檢測者自行採集簡單的唾液樣本 寄回樣本至CircleDNA實驗室 檢測者將於18個工作天內收到測試報告,安排與健康顧問進行一對一電話諮詢服務 CircleDNA提供一共4款不同的測試套裝: 健營活力基因測試  (港元$1,490):提供 125 多份關於飲食、營養攝取、運動和健康的報告。實用健康資訊助你改善飲食習慣、滿足營養所需、提升運動成效以及整體身心健康,十分適合熱衷於減肥和健身的人士 健康風險基因測試 (港元$3,990):含有超過115 份實用報告,為你揭示癌症、慢性疾病、腦部健康和其他主要健康問題的遺傳風險。幫助你及早作出預防措施。此測試適合關注長期健康人士。 生育計劃基因測試  (港元$3,990):為正在考慮組織家庭的用家設計,測試包含超過160份報告,助你了解有可能遺傳下一代的各種遺傳病及攜帶者風險,為未來做好充分準備。 全面基因測試 (港元$4,990): 全球最全面的 DNA 測試,含有超過500份CircleDNA基因報告,助你作出明智的生活選擇,全面掌控自己的健康。如想為摯愛送上最窩心的祝福,全面基因測試便是最適合不過。 心大心細,不知選哪款?不妨送上CircleDNA電子禮品卡 作為聖誕禮物,讓親友自己決定!只需選擇禮品卡金額,付款後電子禮品卡會直接發送至收件人電郵。今個節日,向摯愛送上獨一無二的窩心禮物,助他們邁向健康人生。 每天伴著我們身邊的不只親友,更有我們的毛孩!Prenetics今年推出新產品Circle Paw,通過簡單的測試,讓寵物主人了解寵物的品種、特徵、繁衍歷史和疾病風險等。毛孩在我們的生命擔任重要的角色,我們也應當好好守護它們的健康。

What Causes Messiness? 9 Possible Reasons Behind Your Messiness

Many people who seem to be chronically messy with untidy, cluttered and disorganized homes are currently thinking about what causes messiness for them, and if this is…

8 Ways To Cope With Difficult Relatives During Holiday Reunions

The holiday season is a time for family and togetherness, but that sometimes includes reunions with difficult relatives. Each year, families of all shapes and sizes convene…