Fat Loss: Facts vs Myths For Your Health Goals

If body transformation stories and crash diets prove anything, it’s that fat loss is a topic of great interest for many individuals seeking to achieve their health…

Best DNA Test For Weight Loss: See CircleDNA Reviews From Our Circlers!

Using a DNA test for weight loss works because by learning about your genetic predispositions, you can learn what to avoid eating, what to eat, and what…

How to Lose Weight? Create A Caloric Deficit For Weight Loss?

How to lose weight? Simple answer: calorie deficit. Calories are the units of energy found in everything we eat and drink, and when you are figuring out…

Trying to Unlock Healthy Weight Loss Insights With The World’s Most Comprehensive Fitness DNA Test?

“This Fitness-Focused DNA test is helping thousands of people to ‘unlock’ their well-being and consistently live a healthier life…” Every year, millions of women and men worldwide…

Healthy Grocery Shopping List: A Guide On What To Buy For Weight Loss

Coming up with a healthy grocery shopping list is a challenge for many people. It’s best to stick to the list, otherwise, you end up buying items…

How to Meal Prep For Weight Loss

The famous expression, failing to plan is planning to fail, couldn’t be more relevant when you meal prep. If weight loss is your ultimate goal, you need…

Most Effective Exercises For Weight Loss: Cardio, Weight Lifting, or HIIT?

If you’re trying to get in better shape, it’s natural to wonder which are the most effective exercises for weight loss and toning up. Should you be…

How Good is CircleDNA? She Achieved a 25kg Weight Loss with CircleDNA Premium!

How good is CircleDNA? Name every diet on the planet, Anna Wong, or better known as Anna the Nutritionist, has tried all the ways to lose weight…