Common Foods With Hidden Sugars

Maintaining a healthy weight and eating less sugar isn’t just important for vanity reasons. Eating less sugar and avoiding foods with hidden sugars is also important for…

Natural Appetite Suppressants For Those With Poor Appetite Control

Natural appetite suppressants come in handy for those who have poor appetite control or a natural tendency to overeat. Don’t forget that eating excess calories is almost…

Communication Mastery: How To Communicate With Your Partner And Be Heard

The most common reason a couple will seek therapy tends to be a communication breakdown in the relationship. Without knowing how to communicate, one or both parties…

5 Natural Pain Relievers To Cope With Pain Safely

Why is it important to find natural pain relievers that work for you? The truth is that chronic pain is a very common problem. Whether it’s chronic…

7 Activities To Do With Your Dad On Father’s Day

With Father’s Day coming up, you’re likely thinking about activities to do with your dad on his special day. One of the best ways to honor your…

Trying to Unlock Healthy Weight Loss Insights With The World’s Most Comprehensive Fitness DNA Test?

“This Fitness-Focused DNA test is helping thousands of people to ‘unlock’ their well-being and consistently live a healthier life…” Every year, millions of women and men worldwide…

How To Cope With Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a type of chronic pain that approximately 2 – 10% of women deal with. Learning how to cope with endometriosis is important because the pain…

How To Cope With Stress After A Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Healthy coping strategies are crucial if you’re hit with a breast cancer diagnosis. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so we’re going to dive into some helpful…

Reconnecting With Your Changed Body: Mastering Body Positivity Throughout Breast Cancer

A common struggle for breast cancer survivors is how to master body positivity throughout their body changes from breast cancer treatment. Reconnecting with their changed bodies is…

Emi Wong & Chad Talk About Family Planning with CircleDNA

Emi Wong and Chad, popular YouTube stars, are a mixed fun-loving couple who recently got married. If you have been following the couple, you know they post…

How Good is CircleDNA? She Achieved a 25kg Weight Loss with CircleDNA Premium!

How good is CircleDNA? Name every diet on the planet, Anna Wong, or better known as Anna the Nutritionist, has tried all the ways to lose weight…