Walking for weight loss has been a tried-and-true method of weight loss for a very long time. Walking on a regular basis (every day for at least an hour if you can) is very healthy for your body and can lead to weight loss and fat loss.
Walking for weight loss is also one of the most simple and cost-effective types of fitness programs available. Additionally, walking is one of the most accessible weight loss methods for everyone.
All of you can benefit from being more active by going for walks on a daily basis, especially if you have a sedentary desk job. Walking to work, walking home from work, or walking during your lunch break and then eating at your desk are a few ways office employees find ways to walk throughout the day.
A common expression nowadays is, Sitting is the new smoking. Many doctors will tell you that inactivity or being too sedentary throughout the day is a contributing factor in many preventable diseases such as heart diseases and obesity.
Oprah Winfrey, while struggling with her extra weight, spoke about her love of scenery and the outdoors, and knew walking for weight loss would be a great plan that would work for her. In her magazine The Oprah Magazine, Oprah stated: “Sky, mountains, creeks, trees, grass, wildflowers — I just can’t seem to get enough. So I made a vow this summer to log my 10,000 steps each day and get outdoors to do it.”
Although increasing one’s level of daily physical activity is beneficial, there are several hacks for one to increase the amount of fat burned while walking. Adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of “moderate-intensity aerobic activity” per week, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. When it comes to walking, “moderate-intensity” is defined as a minimum of 2.5 miles per hour, but it varies according to gender, age, and fitness level.
Aside from weight loss, walking regularly has health benefits such as a lower risk of heart disease, reduced risk of obesity and diabetes, improved mood, reduced anxiety and depression, and better brain health.
Below are some tips as you begin your journey of walking for weight loss:
1. Aim for About 50 Minutes of Walking Each Day
A study in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry showed the positive effects that walking could have when it comes to burning fat and reducing waist circumference in obese females. For a total of 12 weeks, the women in this study walked for 50-70 minutes three times per week. They discovered that study participants dropped an average of 1.5 per cent body fat and 1.1 inches around their waists after the trial period of 12 weeks was over.
If you don’t see results right away, stick with it. Even if you can only do a one hour walk 3 or 4 times per week, you’ll still see results over time – sooner than you’d expect.
Power walking training is an excellent way to get fit and power walk for weight loss. While an energetic walk of 30 – 60 minutes per day, or 4 – 5 days per week is the goal, it doesn’t have to stop there. To achieve your weight loss goals faster, try to incorporate short walks of 15 or 20 minutes during your day as well, whenever possible. This would be in addition to your long walk. Below are some ideas to get you started:
- Try going for a short walk after meals, which can help you control your blood sugar, prevent cravings for more food and give a boost to your metabolism.
- Walk to destinations such as the Dentist, the dry cleaners or a nail salon instead of driving when it’s a mile away or less.
- Take a short walk to de-stress when you feel frustrated or on-edge. It can help your mood while you burn more calories.
- Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator sometimes.
- Schedule an hour-long walk with a friend a few times per week. This way, the two of you can catch up, and you’ll have an accountability buddy.
2. Implement a Goal Such As 10,000 Steps Per Day
Many people aiming to get fit track their steps using a FitBit or an Apple Watch. Aiming for 10,000 steps per day is a fantastic goal to have if you’re trying to walk more for weight loss purposes, and for your general health.
Having a goal in mind is known to be a motivator, which will help you walk more. If you have a goal of 10,000 steps per day like Oprah and many other fitness enthusiasts, that goal will help keep you on track.
3. Be Mindful of Your Posture and Speed While Walking for Weight Loss
When it comes to walking for weight loss, it is important to maintain proper form and posture. While you’re walking, actively focus on engaging the core and glutes.
You can also walk with a straight posture and pump your arms to help increase your speed, which thus intensifies your walking workout.
Be mindful of your speed while walking for weight loss, because it’s easy to slow down and walk leisurely, forgetting that you’re doing this for a workout.
4. Walk Along Routes That Contain Hills or Stairs
By increasing intensity, activating more muscles and creating more resistance, walking at high altitudes improves the intensity of this aerobic exercise.
Walking up steep hills increases your aerobic capacity and cardiovascular endurance. You’ll also be activating, strengthening and toning your legs and glutes more when more hills are involved along your walk.
5. Use a Weighted Vest While Walking
Adding weight to your body in the form of a weighted vest will increase the number of calories burned during your walking exercise. The weighted vest also forces your body to work harder, as the vest’s weight is an added challenge.
A person walking at the same rate on a 5-10% incline while wearing a weighted vest that equals 10% of their body weight burns an average of 13% more calories during their walk.
6. Incorporate Walking Lunges, Squats, or Other Calisthenics
To make your walk an even better walk, try to incorporate some calisthenics throughout your walk. This means that if you see a bench along your walking route, you could stand in front of the bench with one foot on the ground, one foot on the bench, and do single-leg squats. Or, use the bench as a spotter to do 25 regular squats, and then get back to walking. You could even stop at a bench to do tricep dips.
More Health Benefits of Regularly Walking
Research continues to indicate that regular exercise is good for your health in general, but walking is an exercise that has particular advantages, including:
- Improving heart health: We all know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, so it’s important to keep our hearts in mind. Walking has been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and increase longevity in studies.
- Promoting better mental health: When it comes to wellness and holistic health, taking care of your mind and body is critical. Walking on a daily basis can increase a person’s mental focus, as well as improve their mood by reducing depression and anxiety symptoms. Spending time in nature is linked with increased happiness, so try to walk along a scenic route for optimal mental health benefits.
- Reduced risk of obesity: Obesity in general is a health condition that puts us at risk for a variety of other chronic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and even some malignancies. Obese people walk less, and their walking speed decreases as they acquire weight, according to research. Staying active each day with a daily walk is an easy way to prevent and reduce obesity.
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