How To Celebrate Boxing Day The Way It Was Intended To Be Honored
You might know Boxing Day as the shopping holiday celebrated the day after Christmas, where it’s known that you can find great sales on items you’ve had…

7 Boxing Day Traditions You’ll Love
Boxing Day traditions have evolved over the years. These days, Boxing Day traditions often involve shopping the sales and eating Christmas dinner leftovers. In the past, Boxing…

Why A DNA Test Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Does anyone need a last-minute Christmas gift for a loved one? Why not order your loved one a CircleDNA test, print out the order confirmation, and explain…

7 Family Traditions That Make The Holidays More Special
Christmas is dubbed as the holly, jolly season for a reason. Many family traditions make the holidays a joyous time because traditions are something to look forward…

Christmas Gifts For Busy Entrepreneurs
Busy entrepreneurs and self-employed young professionals are a different kind of people to shop for Christmas gifts for. For instance, they spend lots of time working from…

How To Give Your Family The Gift Of Health This Christmas
It’s not always easy to think of the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones. However, everyone can benefit from being given the gift of health. When…

11 Perfect Christmas Gift Ideas For Minimalists
Christmas gift ideas for minimalists can be tricky to come up with. After all, minimalism is all about owning fewer possessions, and the primary principle of minimalism…

How To Stay Active In The Winter
Figuring out how to stay active in the winter involves fighting a lot of your natural urges. In the winter, we’re often feeling the urge to hibernate…

How To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude This Thanksgiving
The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday is all about giving thanks for what you have and expressing genuine gratitude. Life gets better when you become more grateful for what…

It’s In Your DNA: 20 Things You Didn’t Know Were Genetic
What can your DNA reveal about you? The traits, health conditions, natural gifts, talents and qualities about ourselves that are genetic are far more extensive than most…

How to Best Support Your Loved One Going Through Breast Cancer Treatment
If you’re currently supporting a loved one going through breast cancer treatment, you’re not alone, and you have supporters around the globe. Pink October is a worldwide…